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"Ex­em­plary start-up cul­ture": HNU among the top 10 in the Start-up Radar 2022

15.02.2023, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) is among the top 25 percent of comparably sized universities in terms of start-up culture: This is confirmed by the newly published start-up radar of the Stifterverband. For the sixth time, university profiles in start-up support were compared across Germany and examined to determine the extent to which they promote the strengthening of a start-up culture. HNU's ranking reflects the establishment of structures as well as the increased visibility and acceptance of students in the field of start-ups.

The survey takes several dimensions into account in order to assess the status of the startup culture at German universities: In addition to startup awareness, qualification and support as well as institutional anchoring, the survey also looks at startup activities, networking, monitoring and evaluation activities. HNU did particularly well in the area of start-up support, securing 9th place out of 69 participating universities in the "small universities" category.

Big leap in the ranking: HNU improves significantly compared to 2020

This puts HNU in the top 25 percent of its size category - in 2020 it was still ranked in the middle. "The new positioning confirms our course to further advance the topic of start-ups and the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and action," says Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer, Vice President for Research, Transfer and Internationalization. "Our constant commitment to entrepreneurship is paying off. This is also demonstrated by the lively interest in our start-up activities: We are currently experiencing a veritable rush to our offerings, which makes us very happy."

Founding at HNU: diverse activities and a creative infrastructure

The area of Entrepreneurship & Founding offers both students and employees as well as external interested parties at HNU a wide range of opportunities for activities relevant to founding - from the HNU Founders Journey to founding events and support to corresponding courses. The Founders Space, which will open in 2021, acts as an initial contact point in the form of innovative premises for ideas, start-up projects and offers an exchange at eye level that is open to all those interested in founding. HNU also leads the StartupSÜD association of four universities in the region and thus actively develops the regional startup ecosystem.

About the Gründungsradar

The Startup Radar is funded by the Marga and Kurt Möllgaard Foundation and the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and conducted by the Stifterverband. The current results can be viewed online (opens in a new window).

Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer
Founders Space