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Min­is­teri­aldi­ri­gent Dr. To­bias Haaf vis­its HNU

24.01.2023, Press Release :

In his new function as Head of the Department of Universities of Applied Sciences at the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), Ministerialdirigent Dr. Tobias Haaf visited Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) to get a first-hand impression of the university. In addition to an exchange about current developments and the future orientation of the university, a tour of HNU including a visit to the Founders Space was on the agenda of the visit.

HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser welcomed Ministerialdirigent Dr. Tobias Haaf and Ministerialrat Uwe Rappenglitz, who then presented the two guests from the Ministry of Science with a presentation of the university profile, the university's focus areas and relevant facts and figures about HNU. Detailed presentations of the individual areas were provided by HNU Vice Presidents Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann (studies and teaching, sustainability) and Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister (continuing education and interdisciplinary health) as well as HNU Vice President Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer (research, transfer and internationalization). The presentation of the university resulted in an intensive and productive exchange about the strategic development and implementation of new topics at HNU. The ministry was particularly pleased with the university's high level of innovation, its interdisciplinary orientation and its close networking with companies and institutions in the surrounding area and with international partners. 

Established contact point for start-up topics: Tour of the Founders Space

At the end of their visit, Ministerialdirigent Dr. Tobias Haaf and Ministerialrat Uwe Rappenglitz were able to take a direct look at a special HNU highlight in the area of cooperation and start-ups: The Founders Space in Kennedystraße, which will open in 2021, functions as a creative contact point for those interested in founding a company and - in keeping with the motto "anything is possible" - offers open doors and support services for a wide variety of start-up projects. In the immediate vicinity of HNU's Innovation Space, where solutions for the challenges of the digital world are developed and tested in appropriate teaching and learning settings, the Founders Space serves the concrete implementation of start-up ideas up to market maturity.