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Ten Years of the Neu-Ulm Cam­pus Lions Club - Vo­lun­teer­ing in the HNU En­vir­on­ment since 2012

03.11.2022, Uni­versity News :

In the summer of 2022, the Neu-Ulm Campus Lions Club celebrated its tenth anniversary and many successful volunteer activities. True to the Campuslions' motto, "We Serve", the anniversary celebration was combined with a fundraising campaign - 2,000 euros were collected for the Förderkreis für tumor- und leukämiekranke Kinder Ulm e.V..

Since 2012, the Lions Club Neu-Ulm Campus has organized various volunteer projects in the immediate vicinity of Neu-Ulm University (HNU). The Campus Lions are a colorful mix of students, alumni, employees and professors of the university. Members who have no connection to HNU but simply want to volunteer in the region are also part of the world's largest social service organization, the Lions Club.

Among the annual campaigns in the region is, for example, the chocolate Santa Claus collection campaign at Christmas time, the donations of which are then delivered to institutions in the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region. A similar campaign is also carried out at Easter. In addition, there were, among other things, various painting campaigns, trash collection campaigns and two large bone marrow typing campaigns.

This commitment and the numerous actions were celebrated on the occasion of the tenth anniversary in beautiful weather at the premises of Onkozert GmbH. With the great support of the Lions Club Illertissen and the company Onkozert GmbH, a total donation of 2,000 euros was collected during the fundraising campaign. The money was donated to the Förderkreis für tumor- und leukämiekranke Kinder Ulm e.V.. The reason for this is the support of the Förderkreis for the oncological children's ward at Ulm University Hospital. Since the founding of the Lions Club Neu-Ulm Campus until the outbreak of the pandemic, a bedtime story was read there once a week. As a corona-compliant alternative, there is now the Lions Paper Theater once a month.

During the donation presentation, Elvira Wäckerle, chairwoman of the support group, gave detailed insights into the daily tasks of the support group. Michael Hörmann from the Lions Club Illertissen as well as Eduard Maisinger and Robin Renoth from the Lions Club Neu-Ulm Campus saw this as further confirmation that exactly the right institution had received the donation.

If you have ideas for volunteer activities or are interested in becoming a Campuslion, the Campuslions would be happy to hear from you via or via their Instagram channel @lionsclubnucampus.