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Free period products on the HNU cam­pus: pi­lot phase start­ing in Oc­to­ber

07.10.2022, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) is offering free, low-threshold access to period products starting October 17, 2022: Free hygiene products will be available on campus at a total of four locations during the winter semester 2022/23. This is made possible by a pilot project of the HNU Women's Representative in cooperation with the Student Council (StuVer).

The newly created service is primarily intended to make everyday life on the HNU campus easier and more convenient for female students: Those who have no or too few period hygiene products on hand at short notice can make use of the service without having to interrupt or even cancel their daily study routine.
The pilot project is HNU's response to the current debate about free period products: Scotland, as a pioneer, has been offering free access to menstrual products in public buildings since this year; other countries are also increasingly establishing similar services in educational institutions. "Period products are part of everyday life for about half of all HNU students - so why shouldn't they be available as a matter of course as toilet paper or soap?" says HNU Women's Officer Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr. "Our pilot project addresses the topic of menstruation, which is unfortunately still a shameful issue, and helps to make the learning and working environment at HNU more needs-oriented."
The offer is also intended to relieve those at HNU who suffer from period poverty - i.e. do not have sufficient financial means for period products - and thus serve to actively increase social participation.  

Sustainable period products in all HNU buildings

The baskets will be available in select restrooms in each HNU building beginning Oct. 15. During the planning process, the organizing team paid special attention to sustainability. "All items are certified organic and some are plastic-free," explains Nadja Hagnauer from the student council.  
The project is financed from the budget of the HNU Women's Representative. After the five-month trial phase in the winter semester, a decision will be made as to whether the offer should be made permanent in the future.