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Di­gital teach­ing: train­ing for more free­dom in teach­ing and learn­ing

07.09.2022, Dia­logues :

Digital teaching is becoming increasingly important - and is often treated as the opposite of face-to-face teaching. The Centre for Digital Teaching (ZDL) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) resolves this supposed contradiction. The ZDL team thinks both spheres together and enables teachers to help shape the change with the corresponding competences in digital didactics. Because: Digital tools and methods create valuable freedom from which the teaching and learning culture at HNU can benefit.



Di­gital teach­ing - what is that any­way?

Whether it's online lectures, take-home exams or zoom lectures: it's hard to imagine university teaching without digitalisation. Digital teaching offers great potential for innovative teaching and learning - and last but not least, it also provides students with the necessary skills for entering the digital world of work. The German Council of Science and Humanities proves it: Digitisation ensures a leap in quality in teaching and studying and a better teaching, learning and study culture. At HNU, digital tools and formats in teaching are promoted accordingly in order to create a solid basis for successful online teaching. However, digital teaching is not a self-perpetuating process: it requires well-founded competences on the part of the teachers and constant further development. This know-how is provided by the Centre for Digital Teaching (ZDL), which offers teachers at HNU a comprehensive range of services and further training to accompany and support them.

Di­gital Teach­ing ...

... refers to the integration of digital tools and methods in teaching/learning settings. A basic distinction is made between three scenarios: Blended learning is understood as a combination of online and classroom phases. The enrichment of a course is understood as the accompaniment by digital elements; and online teaching takes place (almost) exclusively digitally.

Digital elements have long been an integral part of teaching and learning - the added value comes from a balanced mix of methods.

Tobias Ademmer, Head of the ZDL 

The Centre for Di­gital Teach­ing ... 

... - in short: ZDL (opens in a new window) - is a service facility of the HNU in which lecturers are advised, supported and accompanied in the conception and realisation of their e-learning and blended learning projects. The ZDL team headed by Tobias Ademmer (opens in a new window)answers all questions about digital teaching and learning formats as well as digital testing at the university.

An all-round ser­vice for teach­ers

The portfolio of the staff at the ZDL is long: they advise on the use of e-learning methods, design and implement digitally supported course formats together with the lecturers, offer appropriate qualification in the form of further training and coaching, maintain the central information service - the "Infothek Digitale Lehre" -, moderate networking events and exchange formats such as the e-learning café, administer and support platforms and tools for digital teaching and represent the HNU in regional and supra-regional working groups and networks in the field of digital teaching. Digital tools and methods have not only been an integral part of teaching at HNU since Corona: Moodle has been the HNU-wide learning platform since 2008, the first video lectures and blended learning formats were used as early as 2012, and the foundation of the Centre for Digitisation in 2018 laid the foundation for a strategic anchoring of digitisation in studying and teaching.

Ana­logue vs. di­gital? Both!

As places of encounter, participation and cooperation, universities rely on presence in teaching and learning - but this is by no means a contradiction to digital teaching. Digital teaching is neither a substitute nor a copy of analogue teaching, but an independent, promising form of teaching and learning. "Digital elements have basically been an integral part of teaching and learning for many years - the added value comes from the balanced mix of methods," explains ZDL director Tobias Ademmer. He and his staff see analogue and digital in this context as complementary spheres, not as opposites. Accordingly, digital teaching is not in competition with face-to-face teaching, but enriches it. "Digital tools and formats expand our didactic toolbox," says Tobias Ademmer. "They offer an expanded treasure trove of possibilities for achieving individual teaching goals even better".

 More in the di­dactic tool­box

The ZDL offers comprehensive access to this didactic toolbox. The bandwidth of the use of digital tools ranges from supplementing classroom teaching to blended learning formats to completely virtual offers. The ZDL has the right support for all needs. The team advises on new teaching and learning concepts and supports the introduction of new methods and tools - individually. "There is no one-size-fits-all solution," Tobias Ademmer emphasises. "The digital tools and formats must fit the individual goals and framework conditions of the teachers." The goal of the ZDL is to enable the greatest possible teaching diversity and to use digital tools and formats in a target- and needs-oriented way - and in the process to generate joy in experimentation and to release creativity.

Info video: The train­ing offered by the ZDL

ZDL Head Tobias Ademmer and ZDL staff member Martin Schwabegger-Schäufele briefly and succinctly explain everything worth knowing about the ZDL's continuing education programme.

Small steps in­stead of a big throw

Even small steps can make a big difference: It is important to build on what already exists and then develop the concept further, explains Tobias Ademmer. One way to do this is to pick individual elements from an existing course, implement them in a new way and then evaluate them. Together with the ZDL, teachers can develop a suitable concept and implement it step by step - from a single learning activity such as a quiz to an entire course, each small and large component is accompanied by the ZDL team, even over several semesters. In addition to advice from the e-learning experts, qualified e-scouts can be called upon - student employees who provide selective support in the implementation of digital methods in teaching. The ZDL also focuses on synergies: under the keyword "shared content", it tries to promote the potential of collective learning activities for several teachers.



Im­pulses for the use of di­gital tools

The ZDL training courses provide impulses for the use of digital elements: "We show the participants what added value is created by digital tools and formats and what possibilities there are for their use," explains ZDL staff member Martin Schwabegger-Schäufele. Teachers can get to know didactic concepts and adapt them for their own courses, as well as learn about the possible uses of digital tools for different scenarios and apply them with guidance. In formats such as the e-learning café, good practice examples for digital teaching and digital examination at the HNU are presented; here, teachers can enter into direct exchange with colleagues.
The range of topics is wide: from an introduction to the Moodle learning environment to videos in teaching and digital examinations in presence, the offer covers the diverse needs of teachers. The training formats offered are as wide-ranging as the possible uses of digital elements: These range from face-to-face events on site to online formats via Zoom to hybrid or blended learning training.

Take off with new skills

After attending a ZDL training course, teachers are comprehensively equipped for digital teaching: they can simplify work processes from script provision to learning success checks to hand-ins and expand their communication channels with students - for example, via group messages and central information provision. As Martin Schwabegger-Schäufele explains, teachers are also introduced to helpful digital tools for collaboration within a course: "Here, for example, we introduce online collaboration for idea generation or show how group work processes can be supported by digital whiteboards". Breakout sessions and live quizzes increase interaction, even in face-to-face events. Participants learn how learning units can be provided flexibly in terms of time and place and how self-directed learning can be supported. They are prepared to motivate students to keep an eye on their own learning status and to increase the transparency of their courses in terms of organisation, learning objectives, learning content and examination modalities.

Re­gister now

(opens in a new window)

All HNU lecturers who want to enrich their own teaching and the teaching and learning culture at HNU with digital tools and methods can now register for the ZDL's continuing education programme. The current courses and all registration modalities can be found on the HNU website.

The ZDL team is always available at for any concerns regarding digital teaching.