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Mem­bers of the par­lia­ment­ary group BÜND­NIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN of the Bav­arian State Par­lia­ment on a visit

11.08.2022, Uni­versity News :

For an exchange on the topics of university construction and sustainability, the science and university policy spokesperson Verena Osgyan, MdL and her speaker Mr. Kuborn as well as the construction policy spokesperson Ursula Sowa, MdL from the Bavarian state parliament visited HNU on August 9, 2022. Dr. Cornelia Festl, head of the Green Party in the city of Neu-Ulm, as well as Bernd Wenniger and Milad Damasch from the Krumbach building authority were also on site.

At the beginning, HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser introduced HNU and gave an insight into current developments in teaching, research and innovation. She pointed out that at HNU the topic of sustainability is anchored at the university management level and is being jointly developed by teaching, administration and students.

Chancellor Marcus Dingel presented in his lecture the modern premises of the HNU and referred to the resource-saving operation of the university e.g. by the photovoltaic system, the service water production from the lake behind the main building and the component activation for cooling.

Afterwards, the visitors were given a guided tour of the HNU premises. It also became clear that innovative and digital teaching and learning concepts place new demands on teaching and learning spaces. During his tour of the Founders Space, which is rented by HNU directly across the street to support start-up activities, Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer showed how flexible use of space for students, employees and cooperation partners can look.

Members Bündnis 90 / Grüne (opens enlarged image)