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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhn

13.06.2022, Faces :

The Faculty of Health Management is pleased to have reinforcements in teaching and research: Since this semester, Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhn has been a professor in the field of informatics in health care. In the interview, the former software analyst tells us why he has been enthusiastic about the combination of medicine and informatics since the beginning of his own studies.

Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhn

Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhn (opens in a new window)
Professor of Informatics in Health Care


Can you tell us something about your ca­reer so far?

During my computer science studies in Furtwangen, I ended up by chance in a CRO (Contract Research Organization), i.e. a contract research organization for clinical studies, in Freiburg. The focus of my studies was more on network technology and software engineering, but as luck would have it, the company was interested in exactly this profile. I never thought I would end up in the healthcare sector, but the combination of "medicine and computer science" turned out to be very exciting during my internship at the company. After that, I spent
I spent another six years with the company, first as an administrator, project manager and finally in a management position. In 2006, I decided to pull up stakes in Freiburg to start a master's degree in Ulm. After completing my master's degree, I first worked for one year at the Center for Information and Communication of the University Hospital Ulm (the hospital computer center) as a software analyst and then moved to the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University Hospital Ulm (CCCU), where I managed the clinical cancer registry and the software development of the CCCU for the past 11 years. During this time, I also completed my PhD and my dissertation focused on the use or usability of routine clinical data to support tumor documentation.

What are your teach­ing and re­search in­terests and what are you par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in at the mo­ment?

In my professional career to date, I have been very much involved with the development of medical documentation systems and, in particular, with data and information integration. High-quality, structured data are an important basis for clinical research and also (treatment) quality assurance, among other things. These topics interest me the most and I also see a lot of development potential here.

Per­sonal de­tails

My field of expertise in three words:
... high quality interoperable health data
HNU is:
... starting point for many successful careers
This is my favorite phrase to hear from my students:
"I got it!", but even more preferably from former students: "This really got me ahead!"
My current reading:
Douglas Adams: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
My next project/publication:
Delivering a good lesson
First thing I do at my desk in the morning:
Change clothes (I come by bike), make tea.
What is always on your desk?
Laptop, tea or coffee and pictures of my family

Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

Imparting experience and knowledge to others gives me joy, that was already clear during my time as a project manager in Freiburg. This passion and my dream of perhaps one day teaching as a professor at a university were also what motivated me to always take the next step towards a professorship.

What can people learn in your courses? 

Hopefully only useful things :-). On the one hand, I want to prepare students to work with currently available health data. On the other hand, I also want to create the understanding and hopefully the interest for the (further) development of future data bases in order to actively participate in the "design of tomorrow's health care".

What were your first months at HNU like?

I have only been at HNU for a few weeks and am literally starting in the middle of the semester. The first time was very varied and there is a lot to do.

What brought you to Neu-Ulm and HNU in par­tic­u­lar? What do you like about the re­gion?

I originally moved here for my master's degree. In the meantime, the center of my life is here. Although I was born in Baden (or "Badenser", as some people like to say here), I have grown very fond of the region with the Swabian Alb and everything else that goes with it. I like the people here and the proximity to the Allgäu and the Alps is just great for me! It's simply beautiful here and very varied. Some people associate "Ulm and around Ulm" only with the notorious fog - these people really have no idea!

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

I like to do something with my family or friends. From time to time I also like to go to my woodworking shop. 

[Trans­late to Eng­lish:] En­tweder | Oder

Sushi or spaetzle? Both :-)

Camping or hotel? I'm not really a camper, but definitely camping with family.

Book or movie? Film

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  The Alps

Coffee or tea? Both in their own time.

Bicycle or car? It depends. For the way to the office: bicycle.

Sofa or armchair? Sofa 

Notebook or notebook app? Notebook app

Forest walk or city trip? Definitely forest walk.