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 1,000 euros each for out­stand­ing achieve­ments: MBA gradu­ates re­ceive awards

29.07.2021, Post­gradu­ate :

On Friday, 09 July 2021, 5 graduates of the MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare received prize money from the company Prospitalia in the amount of 1,000 euros each for their first-class MBA degree.

The award was presented during the digital academic ceremony of the continuing education programme. The evening took place as a Zoom event with moderation. Under the motto "We are summit strikers", the Centre for Continuing Education had invited to the digital "hike with traditional hat toss".

Simon Mayer, MD, and Maximilian Schröder, MD, (class of 2019-20) as well as Laura Gieldon, MD, PD Marc Hanschen, MD, and Gunnar Heller, MD, (class of 2020-21) were delighted with the award.

The award was presented for the third time in a row on behalf of Prospitalia by Toni Mateus da Silva, Managing Director of Prospitalia h-trak Deutschland GmbH. This time digitally, at a cosy get-together of the graduates of the MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare with their course director Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz, within the breakout session of the courses at the end of the academic ceremony.

About Prospitalia:
Prospitalia is the leading independent purchasing service provider for hospitals, hospital pharmacies and care facilities located in Ulm, Germany and is a cooperation partner of Neu-Ulm University's continuing education programme.

Information on the MBA programme Leadership and Management in Healthcare:


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