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Centre for Post­gradu­ate Stud­ies cel­eb­rates di­gital aca­demic ce­re­mony with gradu­ates

13.07.2021, Post­gradu­ate :

This year, the Centre for Postgraduate Studies invited its graduates to a digital hike under the motto "We are summit strikers".

The evening was moderated by Professor Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister and Professor Dr. Thomas Hänichen. The graduates, who were connected via zoom, visibly enjoyed the event.

After the greetings and congratulations from the President, Professor Dr. Uta M. Feser, a varied programme awaited those celebrating. From the awarding of the Neu-Ulmer University Prize by the chairman of the HNU's booster club, Mr. Günter Augustin, to the awarding of the year's best and graduation speeches by the graduates via videos, it was all heading towards the summit. Even the traditional hat toss was performed, as the academic hat was sent to the graduates in advance by post. Included in the surprise package were invigorating hiking provisions. Thus, at each "hiking station", a package matching the programme item could be opened.

Professor Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister's final words at the summit were: "You have dealt with management, digitalisation and leadership in your studies, you have dealt with yourself in your role as a manager or future manager and we have packed important management methods in your rucksack for your future career and life goals. We were happy to accompany you and as HNU we would like to continue to accompany you."  

Professor Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister is the Strategic Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Programme Director of the B.A. Management for Health and Nursing Professions and MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare programmes, and the new Vice President of HNU. This means that she will be part of the university management for the next three years, together with HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Vice President Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer and Chancellor Marcus Dingel.

The highlight of the event was the traditional hat toss and the turn in beakout sessions. At the get-together of the individual degree programmes, participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas with former fellow students, with the staff of the Centre for Continuing Education and with the degree programme director personally.