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Stu­dents design di­gital solu­tions to im­prove the qual­ity of food pack­aging

29.06.2021, Study :

Dr. Marius Grathwohl, responsible for Digital Products and Transformation at MULITVAC, has decided to develop and prototype new solutions for improving packaging quality in a cooperation project with Neu-Ulm University.

MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG, based in Wolfertschwenden, a leading global supplier of integrated processing and packaging solutions, like all companies, faces the challenge of exploiting the potential of digitalisation. HNU students worked on the task as part of a one-week design thinking project. After a presentation of the Design Challenge by MULTIVAC, the students - divided into four competing teams - analysed the problems and requirements regarding packaging quality, interviewed employees and customers, developed new approaches to solutions and finally realised software prototypes that were tested with employees and customers.

At the end of the project, the prototypes were presented to MULTIVAC executives and a decision was made as to which team had developed the best solution: Dr Marius Grathwohl and his team were highly satisfied: "It was great how the students thought their way into our world in such a short time, what understanding they developed for the problem and what convincing results were produced."

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang and Katharina Ehmig-Klassen, who led the project and coached the students, were also enthusiastic about the quality of the solutions: "We are impressed by the enthusiasm and discipline with which our students approached the project with MULTIVAC. The project has also shown that students can support the digitalisation of companies with new creative approaches to solutions."

The Institute for Digital Transformation at Neu-Ulm University has many years of experience in carrying out design thinking projects with companies in the region.

Contact persons:

Prof. Klaus Lang

Katharina Ehmig-Klassen

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