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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Mona Spiegel

09.06.2021, Faces :

Our series of introductions is entering its final round: Prof. Dr. Mona Spiegel is Professor of Physician Assistant at the Faculty of Health Care Management since this semester. In this interview, the former senior physician tells us why she swapped the clinic for the lecture hall, why promoting young talent is so close to her heart, and what she is particularly passionate about.

Prof. Dr. Mona Spiegel

Prof. Dr. Mona Spiegel (opens in a new window)
Professor for Physician Assistant

Can you tell us something about your ca­reer so far?

I studied human medicine at the Hannover Medical School from 2001 to 2007. I completed the practical year (PJ) in Zurich, Cape Town and Hannover, where I was able to gain initial practical experience in the departments of cardiology, surgery/emergency medicine and anesthesiology. During my studies I did my doctorate in experimental immunology on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, an autoimmune disease.

After my studies, I first worked as an anesthesiologist in Hannover and then at the University Hospital of Ulm, where I obtained the additional designation in emergency medicine in 2010, the specialist designation in anesthesiology in 2013, and the additional designation in intensive care medicine in 2016. During my residency, I was already heavily involved in student, nursing, and physician education and training. My focus was on airway management and especially on "anesthesia-focused sonography". Here, I had the opportunity to help shape several courses and training concepts in German-speaking countries. In 2017, I moved to the Donauklinik in Neu-Ulm, where I first worked as a senior physician and later as the head senior physician.

What are the fo­cal points of your teach­ing?

I currently teach medical subjects (of course) in the areas of basic medicine, surgery, and anesthesiology. My passion is anesthesia and sonography. I would therefore like to increasingly integrate sonography into the educational concepts of my students in order to present medicine in a practical way.

Per­sonal De­tails

My field of expertise in a few words:
... Understanding medicine in the best possible way.
HNU is:
... launched an innovative study program at the right time.
This is the sentence I like to hear most from my students:
"I got it!"
My current reading:
John Irving - God's Work and Devil's Contribution (it's no coincidence either, I've read that book a lot).
The first thing I do in the morning at my workplace:
Opening the window!
What is always on your desk?
A cup of tea

Why did you be­came a pro­fessor?

In my many years of clinical work, I have found that qualified promotion of young talent is absolutely necessary in order to be able to maintain high-quality clinical operations for the benefit of the patients. As a professor at the HNU, I can dedicate myself precisely to this promotion of young talent, motivate and accompany young people on their way and pass on my own knowledge and skills to my students. Medicine is such an exciting subject and especially in Physician Assistant I can fill this subject with a lot of practice and life.

In addition, I enjoy the opportunity to further develop myself through close scientific exchange with other colleagues from different subject areas and specialties.

What can be learned in your lec­tures?

My goal is to make medicine lively and practical, and to do so in a fun way. To achieve this, students need a sound basic knowledge of the body and its functions. Therefore, you can learn many basics with me, always in combination with a high practical relevance and a pinch of wit and fun. After all, it should be more than just memorization.

How were your first months at the HNU?

They were very turbulent, lively and exciting, and thankfully with a lot of support from colleagues. Due to the current pandemic, there were new challenges in digital teaching. For me, I quickly realized that I miss the direct interaction with my new students and I am therefore looking forward to the hopefully soon to come attendance semesters!

What brought you ex­ac­tely to Neu-Ulm at the HNU?

With the new study program Physician Assistant (opens in a new window) at HNU, I see the potential to close the currently existing gap between nurses and physicians in order to pave the way for an even more patient-oriented cooperation of all professional groups. Since I have lived in Ulm/Neu-Ulm for many years and I feel very comfortable here, it is a great opportunity for me to be able to help establish and shape this new degree program in my "new" home in order to sustainably improve patient care in the region.

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at the HNU?

I am married and we have a little son. I love spending time with my family and even more when we can be active together in nature: like to be in the mountains, hiking in summer and ski touring in winter. I find relaxation and peace in yoga.

[Trans­late to Eng­lish:] En­tweder | Oder

Sushi or Spaetzle? Definitely Sushi!
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Coffee or tea? Coffee in the morning, then tea
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