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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes Scho­bel

30.04.2021, Faces :

Three new professors have started their work at HNU this semester. We introduce all the new heads on campus individually. 
We start with Prof. Dr. Johannes Schobel, research professor in the field of "Digital Medicine and Care". In an interview, he reveals details about his career and tells us what he particularly likes about HNU and what his future plans are for research and teaching.

Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes Scho­bel

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schobel (opens in a new window)
Research professor in the field of "Digital Medicine and Care"

Will you tell us something about your ca­reer so far?

From my uncle, who is also a computer scientist, I got my first own computer as a small child. He also showed me that you can do more with it than just play computer games (even though the games were much more interesting to me at the time). Since my uncle was always a great role model for me, I also wanted to do something with computers. After my Matura (high school diploma) I came to Ulm to study computer science (bachelor and master) with focus on medicine. Somehow I got stuck at the Institute for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) and had the opportunity to do my PhD there. As part of my doctorate, I developed a framework that enables specialist users from the fields of medicine or psychology to independently create mobile applications for data acquisition. In other words, a kind of "app generator" for medical data acquisition. Via various digitization projects (in business and research), I finally ended up back at the University Hospital in Ulm, where I worked on a digital platform that records psychological aspects of cancer patients (and their relatives) and processes them for medical staff. Since March 2021, I am here at HNU and researching the topic "Digital Medicine & Care".



What are the fo­cal points of your re­search and teach­ing?

As part of my dissertation, I did a lot of research in the area of "mobile data acquisition" and developed applications for it. This is very exciting - especially for me as a computer scientist – because I always need other people and their requirements for this work. After all, we have to collect data for someone – for a psychological or clinical study, for example. And through these projects, I always get to know other research areas and domains – which I personally enjoy immensely.



What can be learned in your lec­tures?

Currently, I offer an (elective) lecture on "Mobile Applications in Healthcare". In the long run, however, I would also like to offer a more technical event in which I work together with interested students on a medical application or platform from a real application scenario and implement it. There are plenty of ideas for that!

Per­sonal de­tails

My field of expertise in three words:
... Capturing health data via mobile devices
HNU is:
... appeared on my radar at the right time with this exciting research professorship.
This is my favorite phrase to hear from my students:
"Do you also offer thesis research on these topics?"
My current read:
"Randall Munroe - What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions." This book scientifically rehashes hypothetical "what if" questions.
My next project/publication:
Currently working on a project proposal to assess and document mental health problems (depression, post-traumatic stress disorder) in African countries in a structured way. The findings should help to improve psychiatric and psychological services in rural regions of Africa and to promote the training of medical personnel.
The first thing I do in the morning at my workplace:
Get a coffee.
Always on my desk: 
A cup of coffee and a bottle of water.

Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

During my doctorate, I already invested a lot of time in teaching and supervising students' project work and theses. For example, I held accompanying exercises or supported my doctoral supervisor in lectures. Even after my doctorate – when I was no longer employed at the institute – I continued to work for the University of Ulm as a "freelance lecturer". In addition, I supervised a great many final theses at the university. I always enjoyed working with young people – and also the freedom to "look left and right" and learn about new exciting topics. It was also always clear to me that I would like to contribute to imparting knowledge, motivating young people, awakening interests and accompanying them for a part in their own development and learning process. In addition, I really enjoy dealing with new exciting topics and thinking about how (possibly rusty) processes could be improved through digital technologies.

How were your first month at HNU?

Very varied, as I have gotten to know a lot of new things. But the colleagues I have come into contact with so far (even if it was only via video chat) are all super nice and very helpful. Since I'm directly involved in teaching right away, I have to create lecture slides on the side. This is sometimes very exhausting, but it's also a lot of fun.

What brought you ex­ac­tely to Neu-Ulm and HNU?

I already came to Ulm during my studies and really like the region and feel at home here. In this respect, I think it's great that I've been given a great opportunity to do research and teach here "on my own doorstep". HNU's profile – linking science and industry – is very exciting. After all, research should also find its way into practice at some point.

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

We recently had a baby, so I spend my free time with my family.


Sushi or spaetzle? Since I have unfortunately not eaten sushi for a very long time because of Corona, definitely sushi ;)
Camping or hotel? Definitely the hotel – because I like to sleep in a proper bed.
Book or movie? If I have the time to read a book in peace, definitely the book.
Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  Since I come from Lake Constance, I prefer the lake – I can then combine that with a visit home ;)
Coffee or tea? As a passionate software developer, I have to choose coffee, of course. But actually I prefer just normal water.
Bicycle or car? For the way to work I prefer bus and streetcar.
Sofa or armchair? To relax in the evening, prefer the sofa.
Paperwork or notebook app? A desk is only a desk if there are lots of notes lying around on it ;)
Forest walk or city trip? I like to go on vacation to a big city – but I don't want to live there.