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Pod­cast pro­duc­tion pro­ject makes fin­an­cial top­ics aud­ible

23.04.2021, Study :

How can financial topics be presented in an uncomplicated and entertaining way for a young target group? A podcast is certainly an innovative idea! In a practical project with VR Bank Neu-Ulm, students of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) created concepts and produced first episodes in the elective podcast subject.

Financial topics are dry and hard to digest? At least not in these podcasts! In Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandstetter's elective podcast course, 18 HNU students learned how to design and produce contributions for podcasts or for radio. The course took place for the first time in the 2020 / 2021 winter semester, with VR Bank Neu-Ulm as the cooperation partner. The objective was to develop concepts on how financial topics can be brought closer to young people in an understandable and entertaining way. The students have already produced their first episodes in group work, in which the topics range from ETFs to online banking to the dream of owning a home.

VR Bank Neu-Ulm takes up the ideas

VR Bank Neu-Ulm now wants to incorporate the elaborated ideas into a concrete implementation concept and remain in close exchange with the students and the university, says press spokesman Wolfgang Kaimer. "As in previous projects, we were able to gain great experience in working with students from Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences as part of the podcast elective. We benefit above all from the wealth of ideas and the 'looking beyond the end of our nose' that the young people give us back without any filters at all."

Students were able to gain valuable experience

Normally, the students count themselves more as consumers of podcasts. After this course, however, they can say that they are just as capable of conceiving and implementing them themselves. They were able to gain valuable experience in the field of audio. Student Carina Steinhauser especially appreciates the course for creating a podcast from the idea to the finished product and that they were allowed to design episodes themselves. Vera Mehringer was even inspired to launch her own podcast (Drittversuch - Der Podcast (opens in a new window)). "For me, the course was the impetus to finally implement my idea and I now enjoy a small but wonderful listenership."

Insight into the podcast ideas

CA$Hual Monday - The podcast all about modern banking.

Golden Twenties: This podcast is sometimes with and sometimes without guests about the big life dreams and desires of people between 20 and 29.

Bank Neighbours: This idea features interviews with approachable experts on financial topics that interest young people between 20 and 30.

MillenialsMakingMillions: This is about having money, not having money and investing money.

You can also find two audio samples on our digital showcase: (opens in a new window)


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