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For more wo­men in the lec­ture halls: launch of the "Werde Pro­fess­orin!" cam­paign at Bav­arian uni­versit­ies

21.01.2021, Uni­versity News :

Only 21 percent of all professorships in Bavaria are held by a woman - although more than half of all university graduates are female. The State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers at Bavarian Universities (LaKoF) is addressing this imbalance: it is promoting the job description with a new campaign, in which HNU professor and women's officer Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr is also involved.  

As before, too few women apply for a HaW professorship - often because they are not aware of the concrete requirements and conditions.

The recently launched LaKoF campaign now wants to proactively change this: Under the slogan "Become a professor!", 17 Bavarian universities of applied sciences (HaW), including HNU, have joined forces to sustainably promote professional equality for women and to ensure a significant increase in the proportion of women, especially in the scientific field. "The initiative sees itself not only as practical assistance, but also as a signal for a necessary change," emphasises the President of HNU, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. Although HNU is above the Bavarian average with just under 25 % female professors, it is high time for more female professors at our universities.

"Become a professor!": Information, advice and support for potential female professors

The campaign website provides support in several ways: in addition to a general presentation of the profession, interested women can find detailed information about appointment requirements and the individual steps of the appointment process, get tips on how to apply and on trial lectures, and browse through current job offers via an interactive map. With this information platform, "Become a Professor!" wants to pick up potential female candidates and accompany them on their career path to a professorship with the special support and qualification programmes of LaKoF. For example, doctoral scholarships or the support programme "rein-in-die-hörsäle" are offered.

HaW female professors as role models: advertising for the "dream job of a professor

The female professors of the Bavarian HaWs have given the campaign a personal face - including HNU Women's Representative Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr. The initiative is a special concern for the professor of business informatics: "Being a professor is probably the most beautiful profession I can imagine - I would like to make the many reasons for this visible and pass them on".

Those interested can find more information at and on the LaKof Bayern website (

Contact person at HNU:  Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr

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