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Corona pan­demic: bridging aid for stu­dents in emer­gency situ­ations

25.11.2020, Study :

The Federal Ministry of Education Research (BMBF) has reactivated the bridging aid for students in pandemic emergency situations until March 2021. Here you can find out where you can submit your application online.

With the reactivation of its bridging aid for students in pandemic emergency situations, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) wants to once again help those students for the winter semester 2020/2021, from November 2020 to the end of March 2021, who are demonstrably in an acute pandemic emergency situation and who need immediate help. Both German and foreign students who are enrolled at state and state-recognised higher education institutions in Germany can apply for the bridging assistance.

Online application:

BMBF hotline for bridging assistance:

Phone: 0800 26 23 003


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