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New event series on 3D print­ing

22.07.2020, Press Release :

What are the possibilities of 3D printing and how can companies use this manufacturing technology? Answers to these questions will be provided by the new series of events entitled "Blitzlichter 3D-Druck - Die Chancen- und Risikenwerkstatt" (Flash 3D Printing - The Opportunities and Risks Workshop), which is being offered by Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences together with InnoSÜD and the Digitalisation Centre Ulm | Alb-Danube | Biberach. The kick-off event will take place on Friday, 31 July 2020, via Zoom.

3D printing technology has great potential for businesses. The series of events with topics related to 3D printing provides basic information and tips on all aspects of this subject area. The keynote speeches are followed by discussions that are designed to promote mutual exchange.

The kick-off event on 31 July will present the InnoSÜD network, the services of the Digitisation Centre and the Institute for Logistics, Resource and Risk Management (ILR) with its associated logistics laboratory in the field of 3D printing at HNU. Participants will get an overview of common 3D printing processes and learn about their possible fields of application. There will be room for questions at the end of each event.

The series of events includes the following topics:

  • Basics and introduction - overview, potentials
  • Basic understanding, tips and tricks for construction
  • 3D scan
  • Slicing & 3D Printing
  • Post-processing
  • Suggested topics and open points of the participants

Due to the current corona situation, the first events in this series will initially take place as a zoom conference. Each event is estimated to last about one hour.

Registration is possible at

Contact person: Fabian Frommer

Ein 3D-Drucker ist im Vordergrund zu sehen. Er druckt ein Zylinderförmiges Objekt. Im Hintergrund sind verschwommen zwei Personen zu sehen. (opens enlarged image)