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Mayor Kat­rin Alb­steiger vis­its the HNU

02.07.2020, Uni­versity News :

Neu-Ulm's new Lord mayor Katrin Albsteiger informed herself during her first visit in her new office at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) about online offers during the corona crisis and the new course of studies Physician Assistant.

Since May 2020 Katrin Albsteiger has been the Lord Mayor of Neu-Ulm. In this function she visited HNU for the first time at the end of June. She was accompanied by District Administrator Thorsten Freudenberger, Marc Löchner, Branch Manager Health Region Plus, and Dr. med. Michael Glück, Chief Physician at the clinics of the Weissenhorn District Hospital Foundation, because the agenda included future-oriented health topics.

Report on online teaching and presentation of the new course of studies Physician Assistant

Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser began by reporting on how the university is joining forces to meet the challenges posed by the corona crisis. 100 percent of the courses take place online. "My thanks go to the enormous commitment and cooperation of our colleagues in teaching and administration," said President Feser.

The second item on the agenda was the presentation of the new course of studies Physician Assistant, which has been offered since the summer semester 2020. The graduates work at the interface between medicine and health management and ensure high-quality patient care. The new professional profile is already established in other countries, such as the USA, Scandinavia and Austria. HNU is one of two Universities of Applied Sciences in Bavaria offering this course of studies.

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Neu-Ulm's Lord Mayor Katrin Albsteiger (right) visiting the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences