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Phys­i­cian As­sist­ant: A new type of job pro­file leads to a new course of study

23.06.2020, Study :

Counteracting the deficit of doctors and closing the gap between doctor and nurse - that is the goal of the new Bachelor's degree program "Physician Assistant (B.Sc.)" at HNU. Since the summer semester 2020, 14 students have been doing their bachelor's degree as Physician Assistants and are thus prepared for a newly created job profile in the German health care system. This is already recognized by the German Medical Association and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. 

Physician Assistants work closely with doctors and take on tasks delegated to them by the doctors. In this way, they relieve doctors and contribute to continuous and high-quality patient care. The course of studies thus represents an alternative to medical studies. 

The special feature of this course of study is the interdisciplinary university education, which covers relevant content on people, medicine, technology and health care management. The students' abilities are aligned in such a way that they can optimally fulfil the demanding tasks. 

The practical relevance is also not neglected: the practical semester, which is spread over six semesters, promises continuous integration into patient care. In addition, close cooperation with seven renowned clinics in the region and a health management laboratory set up especially for this course of study lay the foundation for a particularly practice-oriented, career- and demand-oriented course of study.

The course is offered in the summer semester, for which the application period is from 15 November to 15 January.

RegioTV has also already reported on this course of studies: (opens in a new window)

Further information about the Physician Assistant can be found here:

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Image source: RegioTV