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Re­com­mend­a­tions for ac­tion for SMEs in the Corona crisis

20.05.2020, Trans­fer :

The Institute for Digital Transformation and the Competence Center Data Science and Business Analytics at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) offer small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in COVID19 times a guide to crisis management. On Monday, May 25, a webinar on this topic took place.

Under the motto "Understanding the crisis as an opportunity", the guide provides an insight into the status quo, risk perception and effects of the crisis, and also gives companies concrete recommendations for action on how to make the operational resumption after the lockdown efficient and sustainable. It systematically examines all areas of the company that are relevant for consistent crisis management. Always in focus: the implementation of digital transformation processes. As the guide makes clear, this is also unavoidable for successful crisis management in the future. The publication includes advice and sketches for communication design and staff management as well as appropriate space and work concepts, assistance in legal matters and suitable supply chain strategies for start-up and phase-out management.

Download the whitepaper: Ausgangslage, Reaktionen und weitere Planung auf die Corona Krise für den Mittelstand (opens in a new window)

In the webinar via zoom on Monday, 25 May, Prof. Manfred Plechaty, his colleague Prof. Dr. Tobias Engel and the scientific staff of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Daniel Hasler and Ronald Robertson, provided information on the following topics: Presentation of existing models, how to react to the crisis and how leadership, hiring of new employees as well as further education in corona times can be successful. Participants will also receive a series of concrete recommendations for action for recovery and preventive measures for different areas of the company.

Download the webinar content (opens in a new window)

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