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Col­lect­ively to home of­fice

18.03.2020, Press Release :

The University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm (HNU) is sending staff to its home office in order to stem the spread of the coronavirus. From Wednesday, 18.03.2020, 12:00 noon, new regulations will apply at HNU until further notice. Many employees are allowed to work in the home office, but in some departments there is always at least one contact person on site.

In order to ensure basic service times, the individual departments and units have jointly decided which employees will hold the position. To protect persons at risk, these are explicitly not members of risk groups (e.g. pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases of the respiratory or immune system or pregnant employees). "Within a few days our world has changed dramatically. Therefore we all have to actively face this challenge now and provide our students and ourselves with a minimum of stability and continuity," says Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, President of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, about the current situation.

Home office and childcare

As a family-friendly university, the HNU allows those employees who have to look after their children due to school/kitchen closures to take time off work for up to ten working days. In this context, reference is made to the recommendation of the Federal Ministry of Health not to ensure that children are looked after by people who themselves belong to a particularly vulnerable risk group (elderly people, people with previous illnesses).

Video and telephone conferences

Employees should limit business meetings to what is urgently needed, in terms of frequency, duration and number of participants. More use is to be made of video and telephone conferences.

FAQs and e-learning offers for students

Students can keep up to date on the new HNU homepage with the help of constantly updated FAQs. The answers to the frequently asked questions are the result of interdepartmental cooperation. In addition, a team is currently creating a comprehensive overview page on the topic "E-Learning - Studying from Home". All digital offers, training courses and seminars of HNU are collected there. In addition, students will find tips on self-organisation and time management.

Cancellation of excursions, business trips and graduate gala

Foreign and domestic business trips, further education trips and excursions are cancelled or postponed until further notice. The graduates' gala, which should have taken place on 19 June, and the academic ceremony of the Centre for Continuing Education have also been cancelled. The university is currently coordinating how to proceed.

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