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HNU re­ceives BMWi pro­ject fund­ing for the de­vel­op­ment of fu­ture-ori­ented en­ergy tech­no­lo­gies

21.02.2020, Press Release :

The role of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) in the funded joint project is to design new smart services and business models in cooperation with Leibnitz University of Hannover.

A particular interest of the German Government is the research and development of future-oriented energy technologies in order to ensure a high degree of supply security, effective climate protection measures and an economically viable energy supply in the future. With its 7th Energy Research Programme, for example, it supports companies and research institutions in researching new technologies for the energy supply of tomorrow.

As part of a joint project funded by the ministry of economics and technology, new SIC semiconductor transformers for plant and mechanical engineering are being developed and tested. The aim of this project is to increase the efficiency and controllability of plant and machinery.

The role of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) in this joint project is to design new smart services and business models in cooperation with the Leibnitz University of Hannover and to implement them in the form of a demonstrator. With this project, the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) at HNU is expanding its expertise in the area of business model innovation.

Infineon Technologies AG, Herbert Kanegiesser GmbH, Leibniz Universität Hannover, HS Ostwestphalen-Lippe and the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences are working on the project under the leadership of the transformer manufacturer Block GmbH. The total project volume of the two-year project is 2.86 million euros.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang, Director at the "Institute Digital Transformation"
and Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Information Management

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