AI events

Discover HNU events that deal with the topic of artificial intelligence in a wide variety of formats and contexts. 

Lunch up­date: Se­cur­ing the fu­ture for com­pan­ies: us­ing the latest gen­er­at­ive AI tech­no­lo­gies

Event , 23 July 2024, 11:00 - 12:30

Location: TTZ Günzburg, Dillinger Str. 21, 89312 Günzburg

In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to use innovative technologies in order to remain competitive. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers revolutionary opportunities to optimize business processes, develop creative solutions, open up new business areas and respond to the shortage of skilled workers.

Our event offers you inspiring presentations, practical applications and the opportunity to talk directly to leading experts in the field of generative AI.

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  • Welcome and brief presentation of the TTZ Günzburg
    Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune, Scientific Director of the TTZ
  • Greeting
    District Administrator Dr. Hans Reichhart, Dr. Ruth Niemetz, Second Mayor of the City of Günzburg
  • Keynote: Introduction to generative AI, the latest trends and possible applications in companies
    Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
  • Snack with application possibilities and networking

Why should small and me­dium-sized en­ter­prises in par­tic­u­lar take part?

  1. Competitive advantage through innovation: Learn how generative AI technologies can help your company stand out from the competition and open up new markets.
  2. Increase efficiency: Learn about practical applications that can automate and optimize your business processes, saving you time and money.
  3. Customer centricity: Discover how generative AI can help you develop customized products and services tailored to your customers' needs.
  4. Knowledge transfer and networking: Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and other entrepreneurs, make valuable contacts and benefit from the experience of others.
  5. Future-proofing: Keep your finger on the pulse and prepare your company for the challenges of the future by understanding and applying the latest developments in AI.


Secure your place today and actively shape the future of your company. We look forward to your participation! (Participation is free of charge.)

To the registration (opens in a new window)

Tech­no­logy Trans­fer Cen­ter (TTZ) Gün­zburg

The Günzburg Technology Transfer Center is available to companies in the region as a partner for research and development projects in the field of data analytics and artificial intelligence. It contributes to knowledge transfer in business and society through workshops and events. The TTZ is funded by the State Ministry of Science and the Arts and supported by the city of Günzburg and the district of Günzburg, among other things by providing the premises.