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The advantage of practical orientation: more dual students in Bavaria and at HNU

19.02.2025, Press Release :

Theory meets practice: For companies and prospective students alike, the close integration of theory and practice offers many advantages. For the first time, the number of dual students in Bavaria has risen to over 9,000. According to the latest statistics from hochschule dual - the network for dual studies - Bavarian universities of applied sciences recorded an increase of five percent in the winter semester 24/25. The number of dual students at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has also risen.

The popularity of dual study programs among companies and prospective students has risen continuously in recent years: In the winter semester 2024/25, 9,252 students are already enrolled in a dual study program throughout Bavaria. At HNU, 251 people studied dual study programs during this period, which represents an increase of 3.72 percent compared to the previous year. Compared to the winter semester 2020/21, HNU has recorded an increase of 97.64 percent.

Bavaria's Minister of Science Markus Blume emphasizes: “Dual is phenomenal! The dual study program combines the best of both worlds: We bring theory and practice together right from the start. This makes graduates sought-after specialists with practical experience - right from the start of their studies. The dual study program is a real model of success for students, universities and companies. That is why we want to expand the offer even further: We have our sights firmly set on breaking the next record with a five-digit number of students.”

 Two study models - with and without training

There are two study models available for those wishing to study on a dual study program in Bavaria. A degree course with in-depth practical experience makes it possible to gain 16 months of practical experience in the standard study period of seven semesters. With an additional year of training, vocational training can be completed alongside the Bachelor's degree as part of the combined study program. This strengthens practical and professional skills and enables students to network and integrate even better within the company. 42% of dual Bachelor's students opted for a combined degree course in the winter semester 24/25. 

58% of dual students are enrolled on a degree course in engineering and computer science. For many years, the proportion in this field of study has been the highest. In second place is “Health and Social Affairs” with 19%, followed by “Business” (12%) and “Environment & Natural Sciences” (9%). The design field of study brings up the rear with 2%.

After a dual Bachelor's degree, it is also possible to complete a dual Master's degree. This option was chosen by 3% of dual study students. Part-time Master's degrees are not included in the statistics. Many companies enable their dual Bachelor's graduates to participate in one of the approximately 80 different part-time Master's degree courses offered by Bavarian universities.

At HNU, most of these students are enrolled in the Information Management and Corporate Communication (IMUK) and Industrial Engineering and Management (WIN; in-depth practice / network) degree programs.

Innovative, future-oriented, efficient - the Bavarian universities

Bavaria's state universities offer practice-oriented courses of study that open up a wide range of opportunities for students and, in contrast to private universities that charge fees, also strengthen the innovative power of the region through applied research projects and technology transfer centers. The universities are proactively responding to current challenges such as decarbonization and demographic change. The universities are pioneers in the field of technological change and artificial intelligence.

Practical orientation is a central feature of universities of applied sciences; this is implemented above all in dual study programs. Innovative teaching and learning formats involve practical partners and the company as a place of learning, effectively promoting the transfer of theoretical knowledge into practice and vice versa. In addition to the increase in the absolute number of dual study students, their share has also risen to 7.3% of all students. This is also a peak figure, which proves that dual study models have a firm place in the range of courses offered by universities.

“The increasing demand for dual study clearly shows that more and more students are considering their professional future at a very early stage and are prepared to go the 'extra mile',” emphasizes Dr. Tom Geiß, Academic Director of hochschule dual. - Information, contacts and study place portal

On the hochschule dual information platform, prospective students and potential practice partners can find comprehensive information such as checklists and sample contracts. All degree programs and practice partners are listed in the study place portal. The dual coordinators at the member universities support prospective students and companies in the decision-making process. These contacts can also be found on the website of hochschule dual - Bayerns Netzwerk für duales Studieren.

The detailed numerical results are available at (opens in a new window).  

More information for prospective students on the HNU website:

Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb

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Dual study at the HNU: Systems Engineering course at the TTZ Leipheim