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HNU students "behind the scenes" at PwC in Munich

15.07.2024, Study:

As part of the auditing specialization and the accounting and tax course, students on the Business Administration in Healthcare (BGW) course at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), led by Prof. Dr. Manja Rausendorf-Marzina, were given an insight behind the scenes at PwC, one of the four largest international auditing firms.

They not only learned about the job description of an auditor and other possible career paths, but also worked on a case study on auditing the annual financial statements of hospitals.

Practical experience up close: insights into professional fields and tasks

After a short get-together, Anita Botzenhardt, Partner for Healthcare and Pharma in Southern Germany at PwC, introduced the students to the company and the various areas of activity of an auditing firm. The students were given an insight into the profession and tasks of an auditor, but also into job profiles in corporate and tax consulting.

In addition, Anita Botzenhardt gave the students an overview of the diverse clientele from the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors and the questions they ask PwC. The students then had the opportunity to find out about the various career paths in an international company. The students were also able to take a look behind the scenes at PwC in small groups and visit the office and team areas as well as the Skygarden.

During the lunch that followed, Prof. Dr. Manja Rausendorf-Marzina happened to meet a former student specializing in auditing, who spontaneously agreed to present her career after graduating from HNU and answer the students' questions.

From theory to practice: working on a case study

After the lunch break, the students had the task of working on a case study on the annual audit of hospitals. Moderated by young audit managers, they analyzed, plausibilized and discussed the case study in small teams and then presented their results. Prof. Dr. Manja Rausendorf-Marzina drew a positive conclusion after an intensive and instructive day "I am pleased that I was able to offer the students the opportunity to get to know one of the world's largest auditing companies better and that they had the chance to put the theory they had learned at HNU into practice."