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Sum­mer School awakens en­thu­si­asm for the world of crypto­cur­rency and block­chain

12.06.2024, Study :

Diving deep into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain and learning about their use: this was made possible by a summer school held by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) from June 3 to 6, 2024. The participants were guided by experts from a Swiss crypto start-up.

Pan-Theo Gross-Ruyken and Agust Anarsson from PTGR shared their knowledge and experience of the development of cryptocurrencies and the potential uses of a blockchain with the students. The intensive teamwork also promoted intercultural exchange among the group, which was made up of HNU students and exchange students from Jordan, Libya, Pakistan, Ghana and Mauritius.  

The participants dealt in particular with the possibilities of tokenization (a form of data encryption) for use cases outside the cryptocurrency universe and with the marketing of possible use cases.

These possibilities of this payment system of the future aroused such great enthusiasm among the students that the idea was born to develop their own coin - i.e. a cryptocurrency based on a blockchain - for HNU's 30th anniversary.

Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer

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