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Similarities between medicine and aviation - HNU students develop cross-industry benchmark

17.05.2024, Study:

What can the healthcare sector learn from aviation and vice versa? Students on the Business Administration in Healthcare course at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) got to the bottom of this and many other questions. As part of a transfer project, they worked on cross-industry tasks under the direction of Prof. Dr. Manja Rausendorf-Marzina.

One of the students' main findings: The healthcare and aviation industries share many similarities. After taking a look behind the scenes at Stuttgart Airport at the beginning of the summer semester, they analyzed the following topics in teams:

  • Patient and passenger safety,
  • sustainability in the operating theater or in the cockpit,
  • AI as a personnel policy instrument in times of a shortage of skilled workers,
  • causes of company insolvencies at healthcare facilities or airlines.

Concept development and transfer

The students developed safety concepts for nursing homes and processes in hospitals that enable errors to be detected at an early stage, dealt with the concept of sustainability and transferred the approaches of Stuttgart Airport to healthcare facilities. The students also identified many similarities and recognized similar insolvency risks in the area of financing and corporate insolvency.

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