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Stu­dents de­velop di­gital con­tent strategy for Uzin Utz

05.02.2024, Study :

A digital content strategy for Generation Z, the use of AI in employer branding or suggestions on how to keep the corporate culture alive across all areas and locations - these were the challenges faced by students at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) in Professor Dr. Julia Künkele's International Management and Leadership specialization.

In three interdisciplinary teams, 17 HNU students from the Business Studies and Business Psychology degree programs worked together with exchange students from HNU to develop proposed solutions for Uzin Utz AG, a full-service provider of flooring systems.

On October 13, 2023, the kick-off workshop took place at Uzin Utz AG in Ulm. Dr. Florian Neymeyer, Head of Human Resources, IT and Legal, introduced the company and gave the students a tour of the site. The students then received an introduction to the three project assignments from company representatives. Throughout the winter semester 2023/24, the students researched, conducted expert interviews, evaluated data, created benchmarks and developed concepts. They were in regular contact with the project supervisors at Uzin Utz AG.

On January 26, 2024, the three student project teams presented their results. The project supervisors were impressed by the creativity of the students and the large number of innovative solutions proposed. This practice-oriented project work was also a great enrichment for the students: the practical project offered the opportunity to apply knowledge learned during their studies to real-life issues in a company.