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Former stu­dents re­turn to HNU

05.05.2023, Press Release :

At Neu-Ulm University (HNU), more than 120 graduates and 30 professors came together at the alumni event "Hello again @ HNU" on May 3, starting at 5 pm. They were shown what has happened at HNU since they graduated and met to network.

Many alumni had wished for such a meeting and were especially interested in the new HNU premises. For this reason, professors guided the former students through the laboratories in small groups starting at 5 pm. They visited the Health Management Lab, the Information Management Automotive Lab, the Logistics Lab and the HNU Media Center. Quite a few alumni regretted that they had graduated before these innovative spaces were created.

Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, president of the university, welcomed those in attendance at 6 p.m. in Innovation Space, across the street from the university.

The alumni then learned about the Founders Space and the Innovation Space. They were invited to stay in touch with HNU in the future, for example for collaborations and joint projects in the Innovation Space or for support with start-up projects by the Founders Space team. Some alumni also took the opportunity to express wishes and suggestions for future offers and events for former students on a large idea board.

From 6:45 p.m. at the latest, alumni were able to meet and exchange ideas with the professors of their choice at the "get together & meet the prof".

"It was great to see that so many alumni accepted our invitation. Meeting former students in beautiful weather and a relaxed atmosphere and hearing what memories they associate with HNU and how they have developed over the years was particularly exciting. My special thanks go to our alumni, our professors, and everyone who made this event so special", said Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser.