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New edition: Strategy textbook by Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunder

04.04.2023, Study:

With "Essentials of Strategic Management. Effective Formulation and Execution of Strategy in the Era of Sustainability," HNU Professor Dr. Thomas Wunder offers a practice-oriented textbook that covers all phases of the strategy process. The second edition of the work has now been published by Schäffer-Poeschel.

Sustainable strategies are seen as essential to future-proof today's businesses, transform markets and pave the way to a sustainable future for business and society. In response to these developments, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunder's updated and expanded edition continues to focus on the fundamentals of modern strategic management, while also taking into account and integrating environmental and social sustainability aspects to a high degree.

The English-language publication covers key concepts of sustainable strategy development from mindset, impact, materiality, and purpose to business cases, sustainable business models, regeneration, and transformation. Innovations address dynamic capabilities, organizational ambidexterity, open strategy, the business ecosystem perspective, and strategic control.

Wunder, Thomas (2023): Essentials of strategic management. Effective formulation and execution of strategy in the Era of sustainability. Edition 2. 2nd, updated and expanded edition. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag. Available online at

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunder


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New edition of the publication by Prof. Dr. Wunder