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Kickoff event in the new Master Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development (M.A.)

27.03.2023, Study:

On March 20, 2023, the kickoff event for the first German and international students in the new master's program "Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development (M.A.)" took place at the HNU Founders Space.

The event started with a round of introductions of the students and the HNU professors teaching in this program. After an introduction to the concept of the program and its content focus by program director Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer, the students received information on the organization and process of the first semester.

Afterwards, Rey Yaw Buckman, representing the Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany (SEND e.V.), gave a keynote speech on social entrepreneurship and the work of SEND in Germany. Afterwards, Hannah Schuster, graduate of the HNU Master Advanced Management (M.Sc.), reported on the experiences and results of her master thesis on impact measurement for a German-Kenyan social enterprise entitled "Become a lion - A qualitative approach of impact measurement and impact evaluation for the Learning Lions program".

Both impulses ensured a lively discussion among the participants. Finally, the students and professors had the opportunity to get to know each other better and to network over pizza and drinks.