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HNU stu­dents de­velop com­mu­nic­a­tion con­cepts for del­icatessen re­tailer Vi­ani

03.02.2023, Study :

Six students from the International Communication and Media Management (ICCMM) master's program created a local-store marketing concept for eight German branches of the delicatessen retailer Viani in the conception seminar.

In three groups, the students implemented a so-called Capstone Project. This is a comprehensive final project that gives the students the opportunity to apply the content from their studies in the context of a practical project.

The practical partner in the course of lecturer Alex Rehm in the winter semester 22/23 was Viani. After a briefing, the students worked on the communication task within five weeks and then presented it to Managing Director Remo Viani. "We enjoy working with the students at HNU. There always come good and valuable impulses for our team. But this time, one group inspired us so much that we invited them to our headquarters in Göttingen to discuss the concept intensively with the Marketing Board. Thank you!"

Antonio Viani Importe GmbH is one of the leading importers and traders of high-quality food products in Germany with a focus on Italy.

From left: Erik Gruber, Rebecca Waller, Remo Viani, Alexander Rehm (opens enlarged image)
From left: Erik Gruber, Rebecca Waller, Remo Viani, Alexander Rehm