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Block­chain and crypto­cur­rency: ex­pert lec­ture for busi­ness ad­min­is­tra­tion stu­dents

08.07.2022, Study :

"Cryptocurrencies and the (mis)belief in a tax-free paradise": This was the title of the guest lecture that tax expert Dr. Markus Ertel gave to HNU students on July 07 in an almost fully occupied lecture hall.

At the invitation of HNU Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber, Dr. Markus Ertel, tax advisor at Ebner Stolz in Karlsruhe, gave an expert talk on the taxation of cryptocurrencies to students of the business administration program at HNU.  

Dr. Markus Ertel first gave the students a clear understanding of the basics of blockchain technology and how cryptocurrencies work, before explaining the red-hot regulations on their taxation. A real practical case rounded off the guest lecture and inspired the students to ask numerous questions.

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Lecture by Dr. Markus Ertel in the HNU lecture hall