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HNU iden­ti­fies the most at­tract­ive em­ployer brands in the re­gion

27.10.2020, Press Release :

Awareness, attractiveness, sympathy and willingness to apply: These four factors were evaluated by students at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Ulm University and Technical University, HFG+K Ulm, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Aalen University of Applied Sciences and DHBW Heidenheim in relation to companies in the region. The result is a ranking that lists the most popular employer brands. Top performers: Ratiopharm, Liebherr and Seeberger.  The award ceremony was based on a multimedia story.

The Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies is presenting the Employer Branding Award for the ninth time. The Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences has been honouring employers in the region for several years. It examines the "radiance" of regional companies as employers among future specialists and executives. "Even in the crisis, employer branding remains an important task. The 'war for talent' does not just stop there," says Prof. Kracklauer, head of the Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

The research team around Prof. Dr. Alexander Kracklauer and Prof. Dr. Sascha Fabian interviewed 838 people for this purpose. The 40 companies with the highest turnover and at least 500 employees in the districts of Ulm, Neu-Ulm, Alb-Danube district and the Ostalbkreis, and as an innovation, the districts of Heidenheim and Günzburg were evaluated. Their study shows a clear picture of how the employer brands are doing in the region. "Some companies are simply not on the radar of future specialists and managers," says Pia Drechsel, project manager of the study. "Lack of awareness is a widespread problem in the lower half of the rankings at the latest".

In addition, the Employer Brand Manager Award is presented on an annually changing focus topic. The main theme of this year's jury award was Purpose - The sense and purpose of work. Marc Lunkenheimer, research assistant at the Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies, was entrusted with the project management. The award was won by the companies Pervormance International, Fosera and ZwickRoell. "We are developing and testing new formats in order to constantly improve the cooperation and transfer between industry and science here in the Neu-Ulm and Ulm region," says Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, President of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. "An important measure for this has been the Employer Branding Award, which has been awarded annually at the HNU for over nine years.

The presentation of the Employer Branding Award 2021 (opens in a new window) was carried out corona-compliant via multimedia story.

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