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HNU re­search res­ults presen­ted at in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ence

25.06.2020, Re­search :

The Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) was represented with three scientific contributions at the international conference of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).

The ISPIM Innovation Conference (opens in a new window) took place this year  in a virtual format for the first time from June 7 to 10, 2020. Under the motto "Innovating in Times of Crisis" more than 500 participants met during the three days, who shared their research results in more than 250 presentations and over 25 interactive workshops and were able to expand their network. This year's 33 experts and thought leaders included Henry Chesbrough, the founder of "Open Innovation", Oliver Gassmann, Professor of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen and author of the "Business Model Navigator", and Gary Hamel, author of "Leading the Revolution" and creator of the VRIO Framework, among others.

From the Institute for Digital Transformation at HNU, Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, Katharina Ehmig-Klassen and Daniel Hasler were present. Katharina Ehmig-Klassen, research associate at HNU and IDT, presented her current research results from the InnoSüd project "Digital Maturity@Mittelstand" about the approach for a digital maturity model for small and medium-sized enterprise (opens in a new window)s. The results obtained so far were confirmed and the project received additional input for further research work.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo presented in the Thematic Leader Talks "Digitalization: A Meta-View on Strategy, Transformation, and Implementation". As editor he responded to the Call for Paper, which he initiated with Joe Tidd in the context of a Special Issue (opens in a new window)

In a further contribution, Prof. Schallmo presented his integrated approach to digital implementation (opens in a new window), consisting of the TOSC model and the DPSEC circle.

ISPIM, the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (opens in a new window), is a community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector who all share a passion for innovation management. It drives the question of how to successfully turn ideas into new products, processes and services to promote economic growth and well-being. ISPIM was founded in Norway in 1983 and is the oldest, largest and most active international innovation network.