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Inspiration for ZEISS Still Picture along the Sales Funnel

24.01.2018, Centre for Growth and Sales Strategy:

Prof. Dr. Sascha Fabian and Prof. Dr. Alexander Kracklauer welcomed Mrs. Petra Visuri (Head of Category Manager Imaging), Mrs. Judith Walter (Project Manager Marketing), Mr. Björn Pados (Segment Manager Still Picture) and Mr. Michael Pollmann (Product Manager Still Picture) from Carl Zeiss AG in Oberkochen at the University Palace in Illertissen last Wednesday.

The master students from the Brand & Sales Management major field of study dealt with the customer journey of ambitious amateur and professional photographers in the field of Zeiss Camera Lenses within the framework of the case studies. The six groups each worked on specific sections of the sales funnel. Expert interviews and quantitative surveys were carried out to better understand the customers and to develop new concepts suitable for the respective issues. Exciting concepts were presented, which were perceived as valuable and inspiring by the Zeiss representatives. Afterwards, we were invited by Zeiss to a joint dinner at the Hotel am Schloss in Illertissen, where we were able to end the evening comfortably.

We would like to thank Judith Walter and Björn Pados, who were reliable, competent and very pleasant contact persons throughout the entire project duration and made a considerable contribution to the success of the case studies, and we look forward to further joint projects!

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