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Double di­gital con­cep­tion sem­inar also in the Bach­elor's pro­gramme

21.08.2020, Study :

The concept seminars in the major "Strategic Market and Sales Management" of the bachelor's degree in Business Administration were also held as video conferences during the "Corona Semester". The participants saw the changed conditions as an opportunity and designed sales concepts for the two practice partners Gardena and HAFI in the usual quality.

The task was to analyse the competitive market and the purchasing behaviour of the end consumers in order to present recommendations for action to the long-standing practice partner Gardena. On the other hand, the 28 students dealt with the practical tasks set by HAFI and developed suitable sales concepts. The focus was on the two topics "Entry into the B2C Business" and "Digital Distribution after the Corona Crisis".

In addition to an intensive market analysis, expert interviews with existing customer groups and other stakeholders were essential for the development of the digital sales concepts. In total, well over 1,300 online-based surveys were conducted. "I was a little skeptical at first and did not really know in what form the concept seminar could take place at all. However, after the first zoom meeting, I already knew that it would work just as well online," reports Maria Dangel, participant in the event. Overall, the students rated the course as "very good".

During the digital conception seminar, the students were supervised and coached by Prof. Dr. Alexander Kracklauer and Pia Drechsel from the Competence Center Growth and Sales Strategies. In addition, the HAFI managing directors René Fink and Markus Brust (Head of Digitalization & Internal Sales) were available to answer the students' questions. The company representatives Jasmin Carr, Regional Manager D/AT/CH and Angelique Meyer, HNU Alumna and now an employee of Gardena, were always available to advise the students from Gardena.