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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb

15.12.2022, Faces :

Digital transformation, sustainable digitization, technology management: the teaching and research activities of Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb, who joined the Faculty of Information Management this semester, revolve around these highly topical issues. In an interview, the computer science graduate, who wrote small software programs as a child, tells us what e-mails have to do with our carbon footprint - and why he devotes himself to these topics.

Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb 

Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb  (opens in a new window)
Professor for the field of digitalisation and technology management

Can you tell us something about your ca­reer so far? 

It all started with the first computer in my parents' house, on which I began writing the first small software programs for my father at an early age. During my civilian service in the cardiac catheter laboratory at the University of Ulm, I got deeper into computer science. The step to study computer science at the University of Ulm was obvious. After graduation, I went to Michigan, USA, for an internship in "the middle of nowhere". A stay abroad is an experience I can recommend to everyone - even if (or exactly because) there were more deer there than inhabitants.
Afterwards, a job in a consulting firm was actually planned. At short notice, the content of this job changed in such a way that I preferred to take up the offer of a doctorate at the University of Ulm. I ended up doing my doctorate in the context of user-centered process management.
After my doctorate, I joined Lemonize GmbH in Ulm as managing director and worked there mainly in the areas of human resources, sales and project management. During this time, I was able to gain insight into a wide variety of national and international industrial companies. A great experience that I would not want to miss. I have been here at HNU since August 2022 and am researching the topic of "Sustainable Digitalization".

What are your teach­ing and re­search in­terests and what are you cur­rently in­ter­ested in in par­tic­u­lar?

In the past, my research focus was in the area of user-centered process management - in other words, the mixture of computer science, business administration and psychology.

At HNU, my focus is on sustainable digitalization - in other words:

  • How can technology help us achieve a positive impact?
  • What impact does digitization have on sustainability?

What many people unfortunately forget is that every e-mail I send and every file on cloud storage also has a carbon footprint. This is smaller than a classic letter or paper file, but we also send significantly more "digital letters".

Per­sonal de­tails 

My field of expertise in three words:
... Sustainable digital transformation
HNU is:
... super and has many great colleagues and students 
This is my favorite phrase to hear from my students:
"Thank you"
My current reading:
Data Science book by Povost et al.
My next project/publication:
Assessment model for sustainable technologies.
First thing I do at my desk in the morning:
Coffee and mails - in that order.
What is always on your desk?
Laptop, screen and something to drink

Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

I have always enjoyed working in research and with students. That's why I always had various teaching assignments and supervised theses in parallel during my time in practice.

What can stu­dents learn in your lec­tures? 

This semester, I am running events on Data Science, Sustainable Technologies, and Design Thinking. In the future, I would like to offer events with a focus on sustainability.

How were your first months at HNU?

After I started at the beginning of the semester break, the first few weeks were quiet and I was able to prepare for the semester in peace.

What brought you to Neu-Ulm and HNU in par­tic­u­lar? What do you like about the re­gion?

Through my teaching position at HNU, I got a first look "inside" and felt quite comfortable. In addition, I found all internal processes to be very lightweight.

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

Sailing on Lake Constance or "tinkering" with home automation. In addition, like so many others, I'm also privately involved in the topic of photovoltaics.

Either | Or

Sushi or spaetzle? Both!!!

Camping or hotel? Also both.

Book or movie? Film. 

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  ON Lake Constance.

Coffee or tea? Coffee. Tea mainly in winter. 

Bicycle or car? Car (unfortunately not very sustainable, but at least an electric one).

Sofa or armchair? Sofa. 

Notebook or notebook app? App, preferably with iPad and pen.

Walk in the woods or city trip? I used to prefer the big city, but since Corona I prefer to get out into nature.