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HNU Health­care Man­age­ment In­sights #6

21.07.2023, Dia­logues :

In the interview series, Prof. Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz asks various experts about current topics in the healthcare sector. In this episode, Dr. Michael Ullmann answers questions about future skills in the areas of digital health and AI in healthcare. 

The in­ter­locutors

How would you characterize the current developments in digital health and AI in the healthcare sector?

Dr. Ullmann: For some time now, I have been observing the trend that digital health and AI are fundamentally changing the healthcare sector. Among other things, AI enables more precise diagnoses, personalized therapies and improves the efficiency of healthcare, while digital health is transforming patient care through telemedicine and health apps. These developments promise not only better health outcomes, but also more efficient and accessible healthcare.

What are the fundamental challenges facing healthcare leaders in the context of digital transformation and how can they successfully overcome them?

Dr. Ullmann: As a manager in the healthcare sector, I am currently faced with the challenge of strategically shaping the digital transformation. This includes ensuring data protection and ethical standards as well as integrating digital innovations into everyday clinical practice. Successfully overcoming these challenges requires the promotion of a digital culture within the organization in order to prepare employees for change. Sustainable training programs that strengthen employees' technology skills and the implementation of secure and interoperable IT systems are crucial steps on the way to a successful digital transformation in the healthcare sector.

What requirements will be placed specifically on managers in the field of digital health and AI in healthcare in the future?

Dr. Ullmann:
In the future, managers in digital health and AI will need to have a high affinity for technology. I believe that they will have to proactively manage change and drive innovation. Promoting interdisciplinary collaboration will be essential, as digital health and AI require the integration of knowledge from different disciplines. In addition, leaders need to develop and implement ethical guidelines for the responsible use of AI in healthcare to ensure that technologies are used in accordance with ethical standards.

Against this backdrop, what specific competencies and skills in the field of digital health and AI in healthcare should managers generally develop?

Dr. Ullmann: With regard to the specific requirements of digital health and AI, managers should definitely deepen their skills in data management and analysis. I am convinced that understanding the interpretation of AI results is crucial in order to make informed decisions in a clinical context. In addition, change management skills are of great importance to facilitate organizational adaptation to new technologies. A strong sensitivity to ethical issues in healthcare is essential to ensure that the implementation of digital health and AI is in line with moral principles.

What differences, if any, are there between individual professional groups in the healthcare sector with regard to digital health and AI in healthcare?

Dr. Ullmann: In my view, there are already differences between individual professional groups in the healthcare sector with regard to digital health and AI. I see that nurses are increasingly focusing on patient-centered applications that can improve the direct benefits for care. On the other hand, doctors are focusing more on clinical applications that support diagnoses and treatment decisions. Both professional groups should be familiarized with applications that increase their productivity, also with regard to administrative tasks. In my opinion, one challenge is to take these different perspectives into account and to actively involve all professional groups in the implementation process to ensure a holistic and successful use of digital health and AI in healthcare.

Thank you very much for the interview!