Im­pact En­tre­pren­eur­ship Col­lab­or­a­tion Hub - IECHatHNU

The project consists of establishing an Impact Entrepreneurship Research and Transfer Hub to raise awareness on IE.
This hub is to bring the IE activities of the HNU into the center of society and to get closer to the people concerned in order to enable and accomplish societal challenges with the active participation of students, scientists and citizens. The university will cooperate with the “Haus der Nachhaltigkeit e.V.” and contribute as a researching and teaching institution as well as through scientific support and transfer offers from and to the university to better understand and investigate impact entrepreneurship.
An Impact Entrepreneurship Collaboration Hub (IECH) will serve as a touch point for the development of social innovations and act as a gateway between the university and society. The scientific relevance is to investigate how universities can support impact-driven innovation and start-up projects in a more targeted way at the point of their emergence and compensate for missing skills through the participation of university staff. In concrete terms, the aim is to investigate the extent to which universities can use a research lab to provide more targeted support for impact-driven innovation and start-up projects at the point of their emergence.
Professor Dr. Thomas Bayer

Con­tact & Pro­ject leader:
Pro­fessor Dr. Thomas Bayer

Professor with focus on International Management

Director Africa Institute

Project Manager StartupSÜD

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1471

Location: Edisonallee 7, E7.1.09

To profile of Professor Dr. Thomas Bayer


Founders Space HNU
Alexander Warth


gefördert durch BMBF - Richtlinie zur Förderung von Projekten zum Thema „Gesellschaft der Innovationen – Impact Challenge an Hochschulen – Anwendungsorientierte Erforschung von hochschulnaher Fort- und Weiterbildung zu Sozialen Innovationen und Sozialunternehmertum“


Haus der Nachhaltigkeit Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Region e.V
Project duration
August 2023 to June 2024
  • Federal Republic
Pro­ject sec­tion
  • Research & Transfer
Cross-cut­ting top­ics
  • Ethics / Sustainability / Responsibility
Main areas of re­search
  • Business models & Entrepreneurship
Ref­er­ence period
  • National