HAnS – En­twicklung und Im­ple­men­tier­ung eines in­tel­li­gen­ten As­sisten­z­sys­tems für die Hoch­schul­b­ildung, Teilvorhaben Pro­jek­tkoordin­a­tion, En­twicklung eines As­sisten­z­sys­tems mit beg­leitender Eval­u­ation und Didakt­iv­forschung

In the context of higher education digitalization, an intelligent teaching system will be developed, which collects vavious audio and video course materials in a learning experience platform, and processes these for further AI applications with the help of speech recognition. The teaching materials are made searchable and automaticaly compiled according to predefined criteria (subject, problem etc.) Based on this, an AI tutor is developed which automaticaly generates exercise tasks and learning objective achievement according to predefined patterns and teaching materials. The technical development will be didactically accompanied, evaluated and improved tentatively. The data will be considerably expanded by the participating universities during the project. The developed solution will be published as an open source project and provided for usage by universities.
Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Con­tact & Pro­ject leader:
Pro­fessor Dr. Phil­ipp Brune

Academic Head of TTZ Günzburg

Head of the degree programme Mas­ter of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

Head of the Centre for Secure IT Applications and Infrastructures

Head of the Institute of Agile Product and System Development

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1503

Location: Main Building A, A.1.55

To profile of Professor Dr. Philipp Brune


Angelique Seidel


Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg (EVHN)
Hochschule Ansbach
Hochschule Augsburg
Hochschule Hof
Project duration
December 2021 to November 2025
  • Others
  • Federal Republic
Pro­ject sec­tion
  • Teaching & further education
  • Research & Transfer
Cross-cut­ting top­ics
  • Communication
  • Data Analytics
Main areas of re­search
  • Markets & Media
Ref­er­ence period
  • National


gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)