DI­GEMED - Di­gital busi­ness pro­cesses in medi­cine

During intraoperative tumour assessment in the field of neuropathology
(model example: brain tumour), the demarcation from healthy tissue is visually
is performed by the surgeon. To confirm this, a biopsy is taken in the tissue section in question, sent by messenger and examined by a specialised pathologist.
This process requires a great deal of personnel and time. The results are usually only available after the end of the operation, which can result in a second surgical procedure for the patient. The project aims to optimise the process by using new techniques (fluorescence microscopy, telepathology).
The implementation will be so generic that the methodology (eHealth functionality, data protection, connection to telematics infrastructure) can also be used in future digital medicine projects and adapted to other clinical processes.
Walter Swoboda

Con­tact & Pro­ject leader:
Pro­fessor Dr. Wal­ter Swoboda

Research Professor at the Faculty of Health Management

Head of the DigiHealth Institute

Chairman of the Joint Ethics Committee of the Bavarian Universities (GEHBa)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1610

Location: Main Building B, B.2.24

To profile of Professor Dr. Walter Swoboda


Ms Marina Fotteler (HNU), Mr Christopher Käsbach (Zeiss AG), Prof Jürgen Schlegel (Technical University Munich), Mr Jürgen Fischer (Clarcert), Prof Klaus Lang, Prof Manfred Plechaty, Prof Alexander Würfel


supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art


Carl Zeiss AG
Clinic of the Technical University of Munich
ClarCERT international certification institute for management and personnel
Project duration
January 2019 to December 2021
  • Federal State
Pro­ject sec­tion
  • Research & Transfer
Cross-cut­ting top­ics
  • Communication
  • Business processes
Main areas of re­search
  • Health
Ref­er­ence period
  • National