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HNU starts the summer semester with over 600 first-year students

11.03.2025, Press Release :

New semester - new students: On 10 March, the Vice President of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), Prof. Dr Julia Kormann, welcomed the first-year students to the campus. There are now 4,200 students enrolled for the summer semester. 55 per cent of them are female, 15 per cent are international students - and the trend is rising.

Future-oriented, practical and interdisciplinary: the degree programmes at HNU's three faculties of Health Management, Information Management and Economics are characterised by innovative teaching concepts and intensive practical projects. With the words "Welcome to the best time of your life", Prof Dr Julia Kormann welcomed the new students and introduced the HNU and its educational mission. Focusing on the point "responsible behaviour" from HNU's mission statement, she said: "Don't just take responsibility for your own actions. Take responsibility for peaceful and respectful coexistence on the HNU campus."

Representatives of student faith communities from the region were then joined by contact persons from various HNU departments. Christoph Giebeler, Head of the Counselling and Information Centre for Parents, Personal and Social Affairs (BIZEPS), presented the counselling services for personal challenges and the services offered by student health management. Anna Vander Beken and Katharina Zolotić from the International Office presented the opportunities for international internships or exchange studies at HNU's more than 100 partner universities. The HNU Career Service and the Founders Space offers for founders round off HNU's diverse programme.

Number of international students on the rise

Well connected internationally: HNU welcomes 24 students from 12 countries in the summer semester. In addition, 79 international full-time students from 29 countries are currently enrolled at HNU. In the last two years, the number of international students has increased by 50 per cent. 63 HNU students are able to spend a semester abroad in 19 countries during the summer semester. Nine students have been completing a double degree programme in Finland since the winter semester 2024/25.

Orientation phase

As usual, the HNU Student Representation (StuVer) organised an initiative market in the foyer for the "first-timers", where the student initiatives Lions Campus Club, ponte consult, Arbeiterkind, Einstein Motorsport, the student ambassadors and HNU eSports as well as HNU institutions were represented with stands alongside the StuVer. The International Office provided information about international internships and student mobility at HNU and Christoph Giebeler presented the programmes offered by the Healthy University Working Group and BIZEPS.

In an extensive programme spread over the whole week, the first-year students were offered numerous activities to get to know university life and their fellow students. In addition to a Weißwurst breakfast, the new students can take part in a guided tour of the HNU, a city rally, a freshers' party and a joint Kässpätzle meal. All students are also welcomed and introduced to their respective degree programmes and take part in the cross-degree programme fresher's simulation game. In the spirit of practical orientation, the students each manage a fictitious company in groups, work on business management tasks and make decisions.