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Bente and Char­lotte in Canada

26.06.2024, Study Abroad :

Bente and Charlotte studied for four months at one of our three partner universities in Canada. Here, you can read all about their experiences.

Bente and Charlotte
Study Programme
8th Semester
Host Institution
Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU)
Waterloo, Canada
September to December 2023

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

Since the beginning of our studies we knew we wanted to spend a semester abroad. We wanted to take the leap into the unknown to experience a new country, a new culture, and a foreign university. In short: seize the opportunity to live and study in another country for an extended period. It was also important for us to improve our English skills, which is one of the reasons we applied to and chose Canada. Canada had always been our dream destination, and we are thrilled that we were able to make this dream come true. Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) in Waterloo immediately appealed to us because we were impressed by the course offerings and found the support and overall provision for international students to be unique.

Our time in Canada at WLU was fantastic and simply indescribable.

Bente and Charlotte

What were your biggest concerns?

During the planning phase, we were mainly concerned about the costs we would face locally, such as travel expenses. We knew Canada was an expensive country, but it was hard to estimate our exact expenses in advance. Our food costs were mostly covered because we lived on campus and had a campus card with credit, which allowed us to pay in restaurants, cafés, and the dining hall on campus. Once there, we quickly got a sense of the prices and would recommend anyone traveling to Canada to plan a sufficient budget because the cost of living is very high. Using a currency converter app also helped us in our daily life, as it made the prices seem less shocking compared to Germany. Another issue that concerned us for a long time during the planning phase was health insurance. Through the partner university, we got comprehensive insurance. Fortunately, we never had to make use of the insurance.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Definitely! We recommend everyone who has the opportunity to go abroad to do so. Seize the chance! Living abroad opens up countless opportunities and leads to unique and unforgettable experiences. Our time in Canada at WLU was fantastic and simply indescribable. Over the four months, we learned a lot about Canada and its culture. We met people from all over the world and made friends for life. Our English improved significantly, and it's a wonderful feeling to know that we were part of a Canadian university and community. Personally, we also grew and were able to overcome challenges. Living abroad comes with many challenges, and there will also be tougher times. However, this shouldn’t discourage anyone from going abroad, as these experiences make you stronger in the end.

Fun Fact

Toronto is NOT the capital of Canada; Ottawa is the capital. ;)

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

From our time in Canada, especially in Waterloo, we learned a lot. Daily interactions with people from different countries improved our intercultural communication skills. Living together in a multicultural apartment taught us to be flexible and open to other cultures. We came to appreciate Canada's cultural diversity, discovered new traditions, tried different foods, and experienced various customs. These experiences deepened our understanding and appreciation of cultural differences, encouraging us to be more open and tolerant towards different ways of life. Additionally, through Canadian friendships and university courses, we learned a lot about Canadian society and its values like hospitality, equality, tolerance, and respect.

The Lazaridis Hall on the campus of Wilfrid Laurier University

Were your expectations met?

Our expectations were definitely met, even exceeded! We had hoped that our semester abroad would bring us new perspectives and experiences, and that's exactly what happened. The university, the people and the Canadian spirit made it easy for us to quickly settle in and make the most of our time there.

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

What impressed us was how kind and friendly Canadians are. Their warmth never felt forced or artificial, but genuine and sincere, making us feel welcomed right from the beginning. Additionally, we were fascinated by Canada's breathtaking nature. The mountains, clear lakes, and endless forests offered countless and diverse opportunities for adventure and exploration. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that enriched our lives. We learned a lot not just academically, but also personally, and we gathered valuable memories that will stay with us forever.

Im­pres­sions of Canada