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Double em­power­ment event: Fe­male Event and Space Ses­sion Vol. 11 at the HNU

13.06.2024, Trans­fer :

On June 6, 2024, students and interested parties came together at two events on the topic of empowerment at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). Under the motto "How to Start and Don't Lose Your Mind", Dani König gave practical tips for prospective female founders in a self-defense workshop at the Female Event in the Innovation Space. The subsequent Space Session with insights into the trainer's founding experiences provided inspiring impulses in a relaxed atmosphere in the Founders Space.

Fe­male Event Vol. 2 - How to Start and Don't Lose Your Mind

Mental strength and empowerment: From 4 to 6 p.m., Dani König, founder of Chinkilla, led a self-defense workshop that began with a keynote speech on empowerment and dealing with difficult situations. The start-up Chinkilla is known for its high-quality martial arts clothing and equipment for women. The participants were given tips and insights on how to overcome challenges of all kinds. This was followed by a short martial arts workshop with self-defense techniques, which promoted the physical and mental strengths of the participants and helped them to develop self-confidence and assertiveness.

The afternoon was rounded off with networking and pizza. In the cozy atmosphere of the HNU Innovation Space, the participants took the opportunity to exchange ideas and make valuable contacts.  "It was inspiring to get together with so many motivated women and share experiences. The atmosphere was incredibly supportive and encouraging," summarizes one of the workshop participants.

Start-up im­pulses in a re­laxed at­mo­sphere: Space Ses­sion Vol. 11

The doors of the HNU Founders Space opened at 6:30 p.m. for Space Session Vol. 11, where guests were awaited by an inspiring evening in which Dani König shared her experiences as an entrepreneur and founder of Chinkilla. The start-up is actively committed to empowering women. The martial arts enthusiast founder gave the attendees valuable advice and insights into the start-up process and encouraged them to go their own way.

The positive response and interest of the participants made it clear how important and inspiring such events are. Another participant commented: "Dani's tips and insights were incredibly valuable. It gave me the courage to continue pursuing my own ideas."