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Digital Innovation Labs: their role in the digital transformation

19.04.2024, Research:

More and more companies are setting up Digital Innovation Labs (DILs) to explore the potential of digital technologies and ensure their successful integration. Dr Axel Hund, alumnus of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), has investigated this phenomenon together with Dr Friedrich Holotiuk (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) and Prof Dr Daniel Beimborn (University of Bamberg). Their findings were published in the May/June issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS). 

The digital transformation has a far-reaching impact on the value-adding core activities of companies: They must introduce new working methods and integrate digital technologies into the working environment. The concept of ambidexterity, i.e. the flexible balance between the further development and utilisation of existing business models (exploitation) and the exploration and development of new business models (exploration), is particularly promising.

Dr Axel Hund and his colleagues used data from nine DILs to investigate how companies use these labs to achieve ambidexterity within their organisation. The analysis offers a differentiated view of the phenomenon of ambidexterity and its contribution to digital transformation. Among other things, it shows that the temporary transfer of employees from different functional units of a company to the respective lab and back is of decisive importance. Ambidexterity supported by DILs can represent a successful basis for digital transformation in that innovations are created in and stimulated by DILs that build on the possibilities of digital technologies and thus both complement the portfolio of services offered by companies and contribute to the adaptation of structures and ways of thinking to a "digital" environment in which companies are increasingly operating.

To the publication
Holotiuk, Friedrich; Beimborn, Daniel; and Hund, Axel (2024) "Mechanisms for Achieving Ambidexterity in the Context of Digital Transformation: Insights from Digital Innovation Labs," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(3), 738-780.
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00885
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Dr. Axel Hund