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Project for intelligent fall detection wins DATIpilot Innovation Sprint

28.02.2024, Press Release :

HNU professor Dr Johannes Schobel and practice partner artiso solutions GmbH have won the DATIpilot Innovation Sprint competition with a user-friendly and innovative solution for intelligent fall detection for senior citizens. The "" project raises the safety of older people in their own homes to a new level: an adapter system for household appliances is designed to recognise interruptions in the daily activity profile of those affected and inform relatives directly about possible emergencies. The team was thus able to assert itself among around 3,000 applications and qualified as one of 150 directly selected projects to submit a full application for the project.

As part of the DATIpilot - a new funding programme of the German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI) founded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - innovative ideas for transfer projects are identified and transfer potential is tapped in order to strengthen Germany as a location for innovation. For example, scientists can apply for so-called innovation sprints to test a new transfer or innovation idea within 18 months or to further develop an existing concept. HNU Professor Dr Johannes Schobel and practice partner artiso solutions GmbH entered the competition with "" - and won the pitch competition in Freiburg on 13 February. The special thing about this project is that it offers a kind of emergency system for older people that goes beyond conventional fall detection.

A growing problem: emergencies among older people living alone

One in three people over the age of 65 falls seriously at least once a year - and it is estimated that no one else is present in around 95 per cent of these falls. This is particularly problematic in view of the increasing number of senior citizens living alone. This also leaves relatives feeling uneasy. "Together with artiso solutions GmbH, I would like to show how this problem can be solved in a way that significantly improves the quality of life of senior citizens and relieves the burden on the healthcare system," says Prof Dr Johannes Schobel, who works as a research professor in the field of digital medicine and care. "The fact that '' has received direct funding is a great signal of the relevance of innovative, digital solutions in a changing society."

Safe, simple, cost-effective: "" offers an innovative safety net for older people

With the emergency system, the HNU professor, together with Claus Allgaier and Alexander Eble from artiso solutions GmbH, is pursuing a solution that is both user-friendly and innovative: special socket adapters are connected to household appliances such as coffee machines, TVs and radios or to light switches, which measure the current flow on a regular basis and send the activity findings to a server. If the system registers a longer or atypical interruption in the previously customised usage profile, there is cause for concern or an emergency situation is imminent. In this case, the stored carers or an external network are informed immediately.
"Most emergency systems are limited to detecting falls - but not every emergency is associated with a fall," explains Prof Dr Johannes Schobel. "Our self-activating system focuses on a more holistic protective effect that also covers other unfortunate situations without stigmatising those affected." The associated mobile application additionally increases safety via GPS tracking, among other things, but is not absolutely necessary. The safety net that "" creates is cost-effective, easy to install and can be seamlessly integrated and customised." is not only aimed at senior citizens themselves, but also at relatives, for whom uncertainties in the care situation can be a major burden.

Innovation sprint to market maturity: "" is set to move into German households

The innovative strength of the project and the social relevance of the scientific approach convinced the DATIpilot jury: "" can be funded for 18 months after submission of the full application in order to advance the development of the system in the innovation sprint until it is ready for practical use. As Claus Allgaier, Head of Product & Business Innovation at artiso solutions GmbH, explains: "Our goal is that '' will soon be found in many German households to make the lives of older people safer and more independent." The aim of the further development is to set a new standard in the care and safety of senior citizens living alone.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schobel (HNU)
DI (FH) Claus Allgaier (artiso solutions GmbH)