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IDT researchers present at CERC 2023

13.06.2023, Research:

Employees of the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) presented their research in the field of digital continuing education to an international audience at the Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) 2023.

CERC is an interdisciplinary conference that is organised once a year by alternating university partners. It brings together researchers from many disciplines to promote knowledge transfer, interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration. This year, the event was held in a hybrid format. Participants from all over Europe presented their research results around the topics of Big Data and data processing, modelling and data protection as well as initiatives and laws in the digital market.

HNU was represented at CERC by a team of academic staff from IDT: Marwin Bayer, Melanie Jakubowski and Tanja Kranawetleitner presented a paper entitled "Success Factors of a Digital Training Offer: Insights Based on the Online Course 'Digital Expert in 5 Modules' for Specialists and Managers from SMEs".

IDT research on potential success factors of digital training offers

The presented paper was dedicated to the derivation of potential success factors for digital training offers. The IDT's online course "Digitalexpert:in 5 Modules", which enables specialists and managers from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop their digital skills, served as the basis for the study. In two studies, the HNU researchers were able to identify initial success factors in the dimensions of "acquisition", "content", "didactics" and "interaction". The study not only provides insights for further research, but also offers new approaches to providers of online training and SMEs who want to improve their continuing education offerings in the digital space.

About the IDT

The Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) is a research unit at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) that focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs. Within the framework of practice-oriented research projects and studies, findings are generated that are made available to science and practice. Companies and in particular the cooperation partners gain access to current knowledge, applicable methods and benchmarks on the topic of digital transformation.

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CERC 2023 (Photo: Haithem Afli; LinkedIn)