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Impact Entrepreneurship: Funding for new research and transfer hub at HNU

30.05.2023, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) has been awarded funding in a new BMBF program to promote social innovations in the university context. Within the framework of the successfully applied project "Impact Entrepreneurship Collaboration Hub (IECH) - IECHatHNU", a hub is to be established that carries research and transfer activities from HNU into society and takes up recursive impulses. On the breeding ground of the regional start-up ecosystem, this enables the collaborative development of innovative approaches to solving societal challenges.

With the program "Society of Innovations - Impact Challenge at Universities", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports universities and the transfer and start-up centers located there in pushing social innovations and social entrepreneurship of students and doctoral candidates more strongly.

The HNU project IECHatHNU is one of the funded projects, which in the future will help to identify social needs as well as gaps in existing service offerings and to develop novel practices, procedures and organizational forms as well as services and business models as solutions.

Goal of the new hub: drive change toward greater sustainability with impact entrepreneurship

"Our hub is designed as a focal point for the development of social innovations, which at the same time forms a gateway between the university and society," says project leader Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer, explaining the project's objectives. "We are concerned with bringing entrepreneurial thinking and action exactly where it is needed for innovative solutions: in and with society."

In cooperation with the Haus der Nachhaltigkeit Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Region e.V., the HNU will thereby contribute as a researching and teaching institution, both through scientific support and transfer offers, to better understand and investigate impact entrepreneurship as an instrument for sustainable change. At the center of scientific interest is the question of how universities can provide targeted support for impact-driven innovation and start-up projects on site and compensate for a lack of skills with the help of their experts.  

The new hub for impact entrepreneurship is scheduled to start in the first half of 2024.


Contact at HNU
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer