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Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch presents research results at conference in Boston

26.04.2023, Research:

As part of a symposium on technology-supported job interviews, Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch, professor of business psychology, represented Neu-Ulm University (HNU) at this year's SIOP (Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology) conference in Boston from April 19 to 22.

As the largest international conference in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, SIOP provides a platform for research findings that address workplace challenges at the individual and organizational levels. The scope of this field ranges from human resource planning, employee selection, and leadership development to the study of work attitudes and motivation, work team implementation, improving diversity and inclusion, and facilitating organizational change.

Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus G. Melchers from the University of Ulm, Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch co-chaired the SIOP 2023 symposium "Technology-Mediated Interviews: Candidate Reactions and Process Insights," which was devoted to the field of technology-mediated interviews (TMIs), which are now widely used worldwide. In his own paper, the professor of business psychology presented the results of two studies on the acceptance of TMIs.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch has been Professor of Business Psychology at the Faculty of Business and Economics at HNU since the winter semester 2022/23. There, he teaches and conducts research on the digitalization and gamification of personnel selection processes, among other topics. An insight into his research can be found on the HNU science blog:

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SIOP Annual Conference 2023