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HNU doctoral colloquium goes into the next round

11.04.2023, Research:

This semester, an HNU-wide doctoral colloquium will again be held to enable doctoral students at the university and their supervisors to engage in interdisciplinary scientific exchange. For the first date on April 14, 2023, two doctoral students from the Faculty of Health Management will present their current research projects from 3:00 to 4:30 pm.

The two scientific presentations in detail:

15.00-15.45: Daniel Hieber(GM, Institute DigiHealth): Utilizing machine learning to detect glioblastoma and determine their heterogeneity (presentation in German).
15.45-16.30: Robin Renoth (GM, Institute DigiHealth): Geothermal energy as an essential contribution to global energy supply - how important is social acceptance?

Questions and registrations can be directed to PD Dr. Elmar Buchner